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Spiritual Lineage

Om Sri Alakhpuriji Siddha Peeth

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Since time immemorial, holy man and spiritual masters have been dedicating themselves to preserving and spreading the divine message of yoga and spiritual science for the wellbeing of humankind and for the whole globe. Similarly, His Holiness Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda Puri of Panchayati Maha Nirvani Akhara, affectionately known as Swamiji, comes from a spiritual lineage of great masters.


  • Pawandevi

Param Mahasiddha Avatar Sri Alakhpuriji

AlakhPurijiKailashSri Alakhpuriji is one of the great Siddhas or Rishis of Satya Loka - the highest cosmic level of Absolute Truth and Reality - who are the protectors of this world; present on Earth for many thousands of years, either in visible or invisible form. Their age is unknown and they are capable of changing their body at will. They stand above all conditions of this material world.

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  • Pawandevi

Paramyogeshwar Svayambhu Sri Devpuriji

DevapurijiParamyogeshwar Sri Devpuriji is revered as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. He embodies all characteristics of Lord Shiva - Shiva is the saviour, the destroyer of bad and evil. Shiva is consciousness, purity and fire. Paramyogeshwar Sri Devpuriji is the giver of spiritual power, an incarnation of Divine Will and he represents the yogic consciousness. It was Lord Shiva who brought the wisdom of yoga to humanity. Sri Devpuriji is the Supreme, a mighty channel who bestows Light and Cosmic energy upon the earth. No material or astral power could hinder Sri Devpuriji; at any time he was able to come, protect and support his bhaktas.

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  • Pawandevi

Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji

MahaprabhujiThe great Indian saint and God-Realized master Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji was a true incarnation of divine Love and Wisdom. He lived and worked in Rajasthan, India, from 1828 until 1963. He was already born as a perfect and inspired one, and his life was full of innumerous wonderful events and deeds. Many fellow-men, who still are alive today, testify his miracles. The ashram of Sri Mahaprabhuji in Bari Khatu on the edge of the Thar Desert soon became a place of pilgrimage after his physical parting from this world. Striving ones from all over the world come to feel the holy radiance that permeates this place.

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  • Pawandevi

Hindu Dharmsamrat Paramhans Sri Swami Madhavananda

GurujiBhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji had many self-realized disciples. Foremost amongst them was his successor, a spiritual luminary, Hindu Dharmsamrat Paramhans Sri Swami Madhavananda (“Holy Guruji”) who brought the light of Mahaprabhuji to the world.

Paramhans Swami Madhavanandaji belonged to the Puri order of the Dasnami Sampradaya founded and established by Sri Adi Shankaracharya (788-820). He was a follower of the Saivas tradition and Advaita philosophy.

Holy Guruji attained the blessed state of God Realisation through pure devotion and service to his Master. Setting an example through his life of pure devotion to God and of service to all creatures, he was an inspiration to all seekers of the Truth. His meditation and prayer meant spiritual help for the whole world. "Enter the kingdom of the Lord through the gate of sacrifice" is his encouragement to all seekers of God, for union with God is attained only when there is complete and unconditional surrender of body, mind, and soul.

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  • Pawandevi

Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda

SwamijiHis Holiness Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda Puri of Panchayati Maha Nirvani Akhara, affectionately known as Swamiji, is the disciple and successor of Hindu Dharmsamrat Paramhans Sri Swami Madhavananda.

Vishwaguruji lived with Holy Guruji from childhood. He attained self-realization at an early age, and then ventured to spread the wisdom and light of his spiritual lineage throughout the world. Since 1972 he lives and works in Europe. Through his longlasting activities in the West Vishwaguruji became familiar with the way of life and the many problems people face in the modern world, with psycho-somatic consequences of a wrong way of life, stress, fear for life and mental illness. He developed a comprehensive master system called "Yoga in Daily Life", based on original yoga tradition and specially directed to the situation and needs of modern civilization. The system can be lived and practiced independently of age, social status, nationality, and denomination.

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