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Travelling to India

Travelling to India - Pre-registration

Please fill in the form below. Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Due to the time difference, it cannot be guaranteed that registrations will be processed on the same day in India.

Personal Details

Please type your surname.
Please type your given name (first name).
Please type your yoga name (if you have one).
Please select your nationality
Please specify your nationality
Please select your date of birth

Address in country where residing permanently

Please give the street and number of your residence in your home country
Please give the name of the city where you live permanently
Please select your country
Please specify your country
Please enter your zip code

Contact Details

Invalid email address.
Please enter the contact phone/mobile number in your country of permanent residence (including the country code in the following format: 001234567890). The Phone Number MUST START with 00

Please enter the contact phone/mobile number in your country of permanent residence (including the country code in the following format: 001234567890). The Phone Number MUST START with 00

Other Details

Please select the purpose of your visit
Please select your country
Please specify your country
Please select your country
Please write the city of your Local Yoga Center, if you do not belong to any Center, write: No Center.
Please select the planned date of arrival at the ashram
Please select the date of departure from the ashram
Please accept our Privacy Terms & Conditions